Sunday, August 5, 2007

And so it starts...

A new season of bounty. The beets, squash, beans, and carrots are starting... lettuce is in full swing. Cucumbers are turning green or yellow depending on variety, and peas are finally done... ready for the second planting.

Today I got a case of white beets from a friends organic farm for a KILLER price, and have been topping, steaming, blanching, slicing, and freezing for a serious portion of the afternoon... taking a break only to go and pick 3 pints of wonderfully ripe blackberries on a walk down the street.

White beets are so sweet, and don't have that pungent metallic taste of their red sisters. I love to put them in casseroles, or in that fried rice recipe I mentioned earlier... I am very excited to add them to my winter stocks (along with the blackberries).

Tomorrow.... Organic blueberries!

Oh yes... my season has definitely started. *glee*


Katie said...

How fun!!!

KnitMoka said...

Val~ oh you gardening Goddess you! I'm inspired by your garden pictures always. Enjoy your season.

We picked 16.5lbs of blueberries and I'm just about I'll be making jam, freezing and dehydrating all week, I'm sure.

On the chicken front, alas, I know of no way to train a chicken. Mine run wild and fencing and doors are all that keep them from going where they shouldn't. I've had them in my kitchen and in my car, so I hear ya!

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